A five month residency at the Monterey Regional Waste Management District gives the opportunity to young artists to work with wasted materials passing through the landfill. Materials were recovered and then created into a body of work. The program’s mission is to educate and inspire the general public on the importance of repurposing, recycling, and reusing discarded materials. The fellowship offers the experience of connecting and educating the public directly at events. At MRWMD's 65th anniversary, I created a mural with recycled wood, paint, and bottle caps. I made this into an interactive public piece by inviting guests to place bottle caps onto the design. The main focus of this residency was the sculptural installation Symbion. Learn more on the next page. To learn more about the amazing work done by MRWMD go to: www.mrwmd.org
Symbion is a visualization of the understanding and knowledge nature has provided me. By drawing inspiration from the connections I make with the world around me, this installation has become the embodiment of my journey through understanding this truth: Nature is not separate from us because we are nature. The evolution of the human species has been directly influenced by our environment. Mother nature is what molded us and continues to sustain us. The dependency we have on the health of the planet connects humans to each other, animals, and all living things. The more I understand this universal connection, the more at home I feel in my body and this planet. Empathy and compassion increase, along with the moral responsibility to give future generations a chance to embrace the gifts of earth. When we talk about protecting nature, we are talking about every natural entity of this planet including ourselves. Every aspect of planet earth and its inhabitants are symbions of one another. An organism associated with another in symbiosis or mutualism is called a symbion. The intention of this piece is to generate feelings of connection and gratitude to the planet that supports all of us. It is also an ode to the lessons I’ve learned from the resilience and regeneration that ensues in nature in the face of destruction. Exploring the use of recycled materials through the artist residency program at Monterey Regional Waste Management District, I have created a sculptural mixed media installation. The materials used range from metal, wood, paper, plants, found objects and other recycled materials. I have fabricated a conceptual egg structure, made from metal and recovered materials, that is meant to encase and protect a figure sculpture inside. It also serves as a portal between life and death. The figure sculpture is from a homemade recycled paper and cardboard material, that was pressed into molds of my body parts. The figure is ornamented with recycled and natural materials. Using the properties of traditional elements (earth, air, fire, water, and ether) I have represented each as well as their synergistic dance. My intention is for Symbion to serve as a reminder of forgotten knowledge and instinctual wisdom, which I hope will inspire connection to each other and our home.
Fabrication of metal rings for egg base structure.
Metal was custom fabricated to fit this recycled Papasan chair.
Home made recycled paper clay was cast in molds.
Installation of bamboo into Symbion at MRWMD.
Symbion sunset at Big Surreal 2017.
I am the art director and co-producer of an annual 3 day music and art festival. I play a role in the overall creative direction, as well as placing finishing touches and final details. Most recently, I produced a new stage called The Nook. A humble creation made from recycled and natural materials, The Nook invites anyone and everyone to participate. Whether it's music, comedy, or something you need to get off your chest, this has become a new favorite at the festival because of the open stage policy.
LuvLab is a family of friends aspiring to provide a space for open- minded individuals to come & express freely, make new connections, and experience a collision of a variety of creative mediums: art, dance, theatre & live music, staged in some of the most breathtakingly beautiful outdoor locations that the Central Coast has to offer.
"Awaken" 4'x7' Mixed Media Installation. Recycled pvc, cardboard, rope, driftwood, and a wall mirror.
Nook Stage. Created from recycled and natural materials.
Lounge area created with recycled materials.
"Condor Community Wall"
"Symbion" 5'x11' Mixed Media Installation. Made with recycled materials found at the Monterey Regional Waste Management District.
"Two Feathers: in Honor of Dirt Boy" 2'x6' Rebar and Steel Scultpture
I seek to unveil the mysteries of our place in the cosmos. My work varies by subject, but often poses the question of what purpose myself and others have on this planet. Photography captures the essence of life, and moments that can never be relived. Documenting the discoveries of how one lives to thrive, and thrives to live, brings me joy. Our experiences as an artist and audience overlap. All photos are archival prints, copyright Katie Savage.
Big Sur Fashion Show, 2016
In memory of Corry “Two Feathers” Eskridge
Aenean luctus quis ante id volutpat. Quisque sed elementum mi, nec porttitor dui. Donec sollicitudin finibus diam auctor sagittis. Nullam lacinia mollis urna, nec porta nibh. Vivamus ac faucibus nulla. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tincidunt ipsum aliquet, lacinia augue vitae, bibendum.
Suspendisse egestas sapien libero, eu efficitur lorem consectetur a. Aenean non nisl risus. Phasellus pellentesque leo sed nisl accumsan pulvinar. Fusce ullamcorper nunc eget est sagittis fringilla. Cras pretium ante in dictum ultricies. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Nulla lacinia finibus faucibus. Nulla in tellus arcu. Ut nisi libero, tincidunt sit amet pellentesque eget, imperdiet ut odio. Quisque sollicitudin diam sodales, dignissim justo vel, pretium nisl. Morbi volutpat mollis feugiat. Curabitur auctor eleifend magna, nec molestie libero pretium ac. Aliquam eleifend ornare metus, sagittis iaculis odio pulvinar at.
Morbi porttitor et massa vitae pharetra. Morbi sed ex in quam fermentum vehicula at eu nibh. Quisque in felis condimentum, ornare justo vitae, placerat sem. Duis sit amet neque odio. Cras tincidunt sapien nec fermentum vulputate. Vestibulum non rhoncus elit, id finibus sem. Integer sit amet velit nibh. Nunc fringilla nibh sit amet augue mattis, commodo ultrices massa gravida. Proin vestibulum condimentum sodales. Sed non vehicula risus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Aenean luctus quis ante id volutpat. Quisque sed elementum mi, nec porttitor dui. Donec sollicitudin finibus diam auctor sagittis. Nullam lacinia mollis urna, nec porta nibh. Vivamus ac faucibus nulla. Nulla facilisi. Fusce tincidunt ipsum aliquet, lacinia augue vitae, bibendum lectus. Suspendisse egestas sapien libero, eu efficitur lorem consectetur.
Aliquam hendrerit risus in metus luctus, id posuere turpis dapibus. Nunc magna elit, vehicula at odio et, sodales semper ante. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer tempor urna ut nisl eleifend mattis. Aliquam quis egestas eros. Ut ac leo id ipsum vulputate fermentum eget eu nibh. Fusce efficitur cursus iaculis. Aenean tristique egestas ex, at dignissim sapien pellentesque eget. Nullam placerat, urna et consequat tempor, velit leo porttitor urna, vitae vulputate arcu massa eu erat.
Maecenas et augue eget lorem hendrerit dictum eget a magna. Praesent venenatis finibus luctus. Fusce hendrerit neque ultricies dolor porta fringilla. Maecenas non nisl placerat, pharetra quam ut, sodales eros. Duis ultricies in quam non elementum. Aliquam faucibus, augue a blandit laoreet, sem velit scelerisque odio, a viverra dolor erat vel mauris. Nunc eget ligula at velit feugiat accumsan in nec quam. Cras elit ante, convallis eu mattis sit amet, malesuada eu tellus. Vivamus elit dui, rhoncus ac velit id, vestibulum facilisis purus. Aliquam imperdiet ultricies pellentesque. Morbi at odio eu sapien venenatis congue.
Vivamus sit amet sapien vel neque convallis convallis. Fusce malesuada quis orci eget volutpat. Vestibulum pellentesque egestas orci id maximus. Vivamus felis sem, sagittis ut sollicitudin vitae, porttitor vitae arcu. Maecenas ut nulla vel leo hendrerit congue quis at turpis. Aliquam quis elementum nisi, sed lobortis dui. Maecenas dictum sagittis nibh, id placerat velit maximus ut.
Nullam quis massa sit amet justo tincidunt varius. Etiam in enim vitae neque dapibus condimentum vitae nec est. Sed et sollicitudin nisi, eget dictum massa. Vestibulum cursus, mauris a convallis semper, turpis dui rutrum augue, sed vestibulum felis augue vel orci. Suspendisse sed porta neque, eget fringilla lacus.
Donec commodo aliquam quam id dignissim. Sed id ipsum eget quam malesuada gravida. Integer laoreet eget velit in posuere. Ut euismod neque vitae nunc gravida, sit amet pharetra nunc luctus.